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The annual Global Liveability Index by Economist Intelligence is out.
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For this list, Economist Intelligence analyses 173 cities in the world on the basis of living stability, healthcare, culture and environment, education, and infrastructure.
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As per the Global Liveability Index 2024, Vienna has secured the top spot for the third consecutive year.
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With Vienna, Copenhagen, Zurich, and Geneva securing places in the top 10 list, western Europe emerged as the most liveable region in the world.
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Global Liveability Index 2024 observed an increase in average scores with major improvements in healthcare and education sectors in developing countries.
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Maintaining its spot at the bottom of the list, Syria’s Damascus is the world’s least liveable city in 2024.
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1. Vienna, Austria 2. Copenhagen, Denmark 3. Zurich, Switzerland 4. Melbourne, Australia 5. Calgary, Canada 6. Geneva, Switzerland 7. Sydney, Australia 8. Vancouver, Canada 9. Osaka, Japan 10. Auckland, New Zealand
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1. Damascus, Syria 2. Tripoli, Libya 3. Algiers, Algeria 4. Lagos, Nigeria 5. Karachi, Pakistan 6. Dhaka, Bangladesh 7. Harare, Zimbabwe 8. Port Moresby, PNG 9. Kyiv, Ukraine 10. Caracas, Venezuela
Credits: Canva