2023: 9 Cities With The Worst Traffic

1. London, UK It takes 36 minutes to travel 10 km in London, the traffic in this city is the worst.

2. Bengaluru, India Bengaluru has the 2nd-worst traffic in the world as it takes 29 minutes to travel 10 km.

3. Dublin, Ireland With 28 mins to cover 10 km, Dublin’s traffic is the 3rd worst in the world

4. Sapporo, Japan Sapporo is the 4th on the list since it takes 27 mins and 40 seconds to travel 10 km.

5. Milan, Italy 27 mins and 30 seconds is how long it takes to cover 10 km in the city. That’s why it ranks 5th.

6. Pune, India In Pune, it takes 27 mins and 20 seconds to travel 10 km.

7. Bucharest, Romania The traffic in Bucharest is awful since it takes 27 mins and 20 seconds, which is 10 seconds lesser than last year.

8. Lima, Peru It takes 27 mins and 10 seconds to travel 10 km in this city.

9. Manila, Philippines In this city, it takes 27 mins to cover 10 km. That’s how bad traffic is here.

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