3,376 Trees To Be Axed Along Chandigarh Metro Corridor

Credits: Canva 

Chandigarh Metro Corridor

For the two-coach tricity Chandigarh Metro project, the Alternative Analysis Report (AAR) shows that more than 3,000 trees will have to be axed. 

Credits: Canva 

Alternative Analysis Report 

As per The Indian Express, a 165-page report by AAR suggests that trees along the project corridors are to be removed. 

Credits: Canva 

3,000+ Trees To Be Axed 

About 3,376 trees will be pulled down across three corridors of the Chandigarh Metro project. 

Credits: Canva 

Detailed Project Report Awaited 

However, as per the Chandigarh administration, a Detailed Project Report will give a clear picture as the AAR report only mentions an estimated number. 

Credits: Canva 

Environmental Effect 

The report also shows that there will be noise and vibration pollution associated with the Tricity metro project. 

Credits: Canva 

Noise Pollution 

As per the report, the noise generated  by the Metro is expected to be  66.4 decibels.

Credits: Canva 

Connecting Tricity

This metro project will connect Chandigarh, Mohali, and Panchkula in three corridors. 

Credits: Canva 

Two Coach Metro

According to The Indian Express, only two-coach metro systems will continue to cater to the peak-hour passenger demand much beyond 2056. 

Credits: Canva 

High Passenger Carrying Capacity

This is mainly because the metro has a higher passenger carrying capacity of 15,000 to 100,000. 

Credits: Canva