4 Facts To Know About Magic Mushrooms

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Magic mushrooms are also known as psilocybin mushrooms or simply "shrooms".

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They are a type of fungi that contain the psychoactive compound psilocybin.

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These mushrooms have a long history of traditional and recreational use for their hallucinogenic properties. 

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Here are some interesting facts to know about magic mushrooms:

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1. Psychological Effects Along with visual and sensory experiences, they can also produce introspective and psychological effects.

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2. Historical & Cultural Significance They have been used for centuries in Central and South America for ceremonial and shamanic purposes.

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3. Legal Status The legal status of magic mushrooms varies around the world. It is legal in Netherlands, Jamaica, Brazil and some other places. 

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4. Respect And Cultural Sensitiveness It's important to approach the topic with respect for the cultural and historical significance they hold for many communities. 

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So, what do you think of magic mushrooms?