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7 Handy Tips To Take Care Of Wooden Kitchenware

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Image Courtesy: Canva

Make a solution of baking soda and vinegar to clean these utensils.

1. Baking soda & Vinegar

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Image Courtesy: Canva

Mix the dish shop with some water to clean the wooden kitchenware.

2. Dish Soap Solution

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Image Courtesy: Canva

Apply a good amount of coconut oil to every piece.

3. Coconut Oil

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Image Courtesy: Canva

Right after you are done using the kitchenware, make sure to soak and rinse them.

4. Rinse Well

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Image Courtesy: Canva

One of the most crucial steps to follow here is to keep every wooden piece dry all the time.

5. Keep The Utensils Dry

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Image Courtesy: Canva

To keep the wooden serving kitchenware shiny and of good quality, rub and smoothen the surfaces using this sandpaper. 

6. Sandpaper

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Image Courtesy: Canva

If you have a dishwasher, skip it for wooden kitchenware. Clean them only by hand.

7. Most Important Tip To Follow

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Image Courtesy: Canva

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