5 Coffee-Flavoured Beers For Best Of The Both Worlds

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Beer & Coffee?

Combining the rich, roasted flavors of coffee with the complexity of beer can result in a delightful fusion of tastes. 

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Best Coffee-Flavoured Beers?

If you're looking to explore the world of coffee-flavoured beers, here are some options that offer the best of both worlds:

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1. Bira Malabar Stout

t has a nutty aroma and tastes like a slightly over-roasted bean. It has a dry, light mouthfeel. 

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2. Simba Stout

Simba's Stout is dark and creamy, with rich cocoa and espresso aromas that explode through.

Image Courtesy: Website/Living LIquidz

3. Stout Alchemy

Stout Alchemy is an Irish Stout with overtones of chocolate, caramel, and a touch of roastiness.

Image Courtesy: Website/Living LIquidz

4. Guinness Draught Stout

It's creamy and rich, with overtones of roasted coffee and chocolate. 

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5. Coopers Best Extra Stout

The brew is robust and creamy, with overtones of black currant and coffee.  

Image Courtesy: Website/Living LIquidz

It's tasty & unique!

Enjoy your exploration of coffee-infused beers, and be sure to savor the unique flavour combination

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So, have you tasted any of these beers yet?

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Ps: Drinking is injurious to health. Be safe – don't drink and drive.