9 Food Items You Should NEVER Keep In The Refrigerator

1. Bread Bread dries out and turns stale when stored in a fridge.

2. Tomatoes Storing Tomatoes in refrigerators damages the membrane inside the fruit,

3. Bananas Green bananas kept in fridge will not ripen. Yellow ones will rot. So AVOID!

4. Coffee Storing coffee containers in the fridge might ruin the taste of the beverage.

5. Potato The starch in the potatoes turns into sugar when kept in refreigerator. AVOID!

6. Oil Oil stored in the fridge gets solidified. 

7. Onions They need air circulation to stay fresh. 

8. Garlic They are better stored in ventilated containers than refrigerators. 

8. Honey Honey will crystalize in the fridge.