5 Hacks To Check If Mangoes Are Artificially Ripened With Chemicals

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Calcium carbide is often used to ripen mangoes artificially. Sadly, many mangoes sold at our nearby markets are not naturally ripened. If you want to check if chemicals have been used, here are some hacks.

Ewww! Chemicals!

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Mangoes that have been ripened with chemicals often tend to smell a bit different, not like fresh and sweet mangoes. 

1. Smell

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One of the easiest ways to check the quality of the fruits is to look for spots. You will find brown spots on naturally ripened mangoes but chemically ripened ones will be covered with light-coloured white spots.

2. Spots On Mangoes

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Take a bucket filled with water and add the mangoes to it. If the fruits sink, then you can consume them without any fear as no chemicals have been used to ripen them. The ones that float have been chemically ripened.

3. Water Test

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You can gently press the fruits to see if there are chemicals added to them. Mangoes with chemicals may feel hard at some parts whereas naturally ripened ones are usually soft entirely.

4. Pressing Fruits

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Mangoes with chemicals look shinier than naturally ripened ones. Also, these mangoes tend to have a brighter yellowish colour.

5. See The Colour

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Follow these simple tips before enjoying juicy mangoes this summer season. 

Image Courtesy: Canva