5 Iconic Mahatma Gandhi Memorials In India

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Mahatma Gandhi

Born as Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Mahatma Gandhi is the father of our nation.

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Contribution Towards Independence

He is known for his great contribution towards the independence of India.

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Memorials In India

His life was dedicated to the welfare of the country. And here are his memorials that you should know about.

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1. Raj Ghat

Located in Delhi, it is the first memorial dedicated to Mahatma Gandhi.

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2. Gandhi Smriti

Also known as Birla Bhawan, this place served as his final residence.

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3. Sabarmati Ashram

It was the original residence of Mahatma Gandhi.

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4. Gandhi Memorial Museum

It is located in different parts of the country like Madurai, Delhi, etc.

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5. National Salt Satyagraha Memorial

Also known as Dandi Memorial, this place honours participants of the salt march.

Which of these memorials have you visited?

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