5 Indian States That Consume The Most Non-Vegetarian Food Items In India

Credits: Canva 

Household Consumption Expenditure Survey

National Sample Survey Office, under the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, released a report for the Household Consumption Expenditure survey for 2022-23

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What This Survey Shows? 

This survey gives an overview of the diverse dietary preferences of India and also highlights the regional variations in people's food habits.

Credits: Canva 

Highest Non-Vegetarian  Food Consumption 

The survey shed light on the top 5 states with the highest non-vegetarian food consumption in India as well. Can you guess them?

Credits: Canva 

1. Kerala 

According to the survey, non-vegetarian food items make up 23.5% of rural family food expenditure in Kerala. For urban families, it is about 19.8%. 

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2. Assam 

In rural Assam, about 20% of a family’s food expenditure is dedicated to eggs, fish, and meat. Whereas, urban households spend 17% of their food expenditure on non-vegetarian food. 

Credits: Canva 

3. West Bengal

In third place, families in rural and urban West Bengal spend about 18.9% of their food budget on eggs, fish, and meat.

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4. Telangana

About 11.9% of the urban family food budget in Telangana is dedicated to non-vegetarian food consumption. For rural households, the numbers go up to 15.8%. 

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5. Andhra Pradesh

In Andhra Pradesh, families in rural and urban areas spend 14.8% and 11.9% of their food budget on eggs, fish, and meat, respectively. 

Credits: Canva