5 Superfoods To Help Prevent Conjunctivitis

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 Instances of conjunctivitis or eye flu are experiencing a significant increase nationwide, from Punjab and Delhi to Telangana.

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Individuals with conjunctivitis may experience sensations of heaviness, fatigue, burning, and light sensitivity in their eyes.

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 The origin of eye flu can be due to viral, bacterial, or allergic infections.

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These 5 Superfoods can help you prevent getting conjunctivitis

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1.Leafy Vegetables Spinach, kale, and parsley are rich sources of lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants that play a vital role in safeguarding the eyes from degradation.

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2. Orange-Coloured Fruits And Vegetables Carrots, oranges, apricots, papaya, and pumpkin are natural sources of beta carotene, a type of vitamin A that is essential for maintaining normal eye function.

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3.Bell peppers Bell peppers are a valuable source of Vitamin C, a crucial antioxidant that helps strengthen the immune system and combat infections.

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4.Eggs Due to their rich content of protein, zinc, and antioxidants, they provide  great protection against eye infections.

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5.Nuts And Seeds These small yet potent foods serve as excellent sources of Vitamin E, which aids in safeguarding the eyes.

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While of course modern medicine is the best, these locally sourced ingredients are also great for our daily well-being.

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Have you ever had to deal with conjunctivitis?  

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