6 Dishes You Can Make With Orange Peel For Sustainable Cooking

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What Are Its Health Benefits? 

Orange peels are rich in Vitamin C and polyphenols which fight diabetes, obesity and improve immunity. Moreover, using orange peels in cooking promote sustainability. 

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1. Soup 

Prepare a delicious soup with orange peels which will keep you warm in winters. 

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2. Chutney 

Orange peels can be used to prepare a tangy, yummy chutney which goes well with idlis and dosas. 

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3. Candied Orange Peel 

Make candied orange peels which acts as  healthy post-meal sweet treats. 

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4. Marmalade 

A bitter-sweet orange peel marmalade can kickstart your day with nutrients and Vitamin C. 

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5. Zest Powder 

A zest powder made with orange peels is good for baking. It can be added in muffins, bread, cakes and other baked goods. 

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6. Orange Peel Butter 

An orange-peel butter goes well on toasts. It adds the extra punch to regular butter. 

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Which of these dishes do you want to make first? 

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