6 Facts About Oman That You Need To Know!

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The Sultanate of Oman is a beautiful Middle Eastern country that is located in West Asia. As traces of human civilisation have been found dating several centuries back, it really does have a rich cultural heritage.

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So, here’s a list of some cool facts that you may not know about Oman!

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1. There are four UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Oman.

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2. Doors in Oman are always ornately decked. They all boast really intricate designs!

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3. Did you know that a vast majority of people in Oman absolutely love to swill back Mountain Dew?

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4. The country is known for breeding some of the best horses, called the Arabian Horses.

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5. A great country for watching migratory birds, it is a haven for bird watchers.

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6. According to the local folklore, there’s an island called Jazirat al Maqlab which is said to have turned people crazy!

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Weren’t they some absolutely cool facts?

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