6 Food Items To Avoid In Summer To Keep Body Heat In Check

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Keep Body Heat In Check 

During the summer, it's vital to keep body heat in check. Usually food that takes longer to digest, creates more body heat. 

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1. Red Meat 

Since red meat is complex and takes longer to digest, it increases body heat.  

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2. Eggs 

While egg is a great source of protein it is a heat-inducing food item. 

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3. Ginger 

Ginger is a popular ingredient used in chai during the winter. But during the summer months, it's best to reduce ginger consumption.

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4. Chicken 

A white lean-meat chicken still increases body heat. So, pair it with cooling foods. 

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5. Peanuts 

Peanuts can increase metabolism and is a good source of energy. However, it causes body heat. 

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6. Dates 

Dates have a high sugar content and it's also a warming food. 

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Which of these food items will you avoid? 

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