6 Ice Creams From Around The World That You Must Try This Summer

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Ice creams are frozen desserts that are generally made from milk or cream. A perfect treat on a hot summer day, people around the world enjoy this dessert.

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So, here’s a list of ice creams from around the world that you need to try.

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1. Mochi Ice Cream - This is a frozen Japanese-American dessert that can be found around the world today.

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2. Gelato - A denser and creamier dessert, this traditional ice cream is famous in Italy.

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3. Kulfi - Made from milk, this decadent dessert comes from India and is loved by people across the country.

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4. Dondurma - This is a stretchy ice cream that is famous around the world and comes from Turkey.

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5. Bastani - This is a Persian ice cream that’s made from milk, saffron, eggs, and a bunch of other ingredients.

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6. Frozen Yogurt - Popular across the world, this is exactly what the name says, frozen yogurt.

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So, how many of these ice creams will you be trying this summer?

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