6 Indian Powder Mixes For Good Digestion

The heath of our digestive system is the most important for the well being of our entire body. 

Digestive system

Here are some amazing Indian mixes that can help you keep indigestion at bay easily. 

Indian mixes

Amla is known to be rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants, hence adding black salt to this powder and consuming can help with digestion. You can mis it with water and have it after dinner 

1. Amla powder

It is an ayurvedic herbal mix of amla, haritaki and bibhitaki. This blended powder helps in improving bowel movements. mix it with water and have it after dinner. 

2. Triphala

Methi and sounth or dry ginger powder can help in keeping gas and bloating at bay. Take it with warm water after meal. 

3. Methi and Sounth

Dhania and hing powder mixed together vcan help people with indigestion. Add just a pinch of it in your meal. 

4. Dhania and Hing

Dry ginger an turmeric powder together can help relieve constipation. Just add a small amount to water or tea for consumption. 

5. Turmeric and Ginger

Jeera and Ajwain have properties that can help reduce bloating. Sprinkle a small amount on food or have it with warm water after meals. 

6. Jeera and Ajwain

Do you know of more such mixes?