6 Jackfruit Delicacies From South India You Need To Try

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Jackfruit Delicacies, Anyone?

Jackfruit has numerous health benefits and makes for a great ingredient in desserts as well. Here are the best South Indian jackfruit delicacies to try. 

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1. Ela Ada 

A popular sweet from Kerala, this dish involves adding a layer of sweetened jackfruit paste in a rice flour batter and steaming it. 

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2. Jackfruit Chips

A great evening snack with chai, jackfruit chips are popular in Kerala and coastal Karnataka. 

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3. Mulik 

These jackfruit fritters from Mangaluru should be eaten hot and fresh. 

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4. Gharey

This is a kheer made from jackfruit, it originates from coastal Karnataka where one can find many jackfruit trees. 

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5. Jackfruit Kesari 

Another South Indian sweet, Jackfruit Kesari is made with semolina and jackfruit. 

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6. Chakka Halwa

Found during the jackfruit season, Kerala loves its Chakka Halwa or Jackfruit Halwa. 

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Which of these jackfruit delicacies do you want to try?

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