6 Most Expensive Apples In The World

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Apple & Their Varieties

There are more than 50 varieties of apples in the world.

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List Of Expensive Apples

These are the most expensive apples that you can find.

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1. Sekai-Ichi

They are Japanese apples washed with honey and branded by hand. Cost: Approx ₹1500 for one

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2. Bardsey Apple

It is a pink apple from Bardsey Island and has a lemon scent. Cost: Approx ₹1400 for one

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3. Black Diamond

It is a popular Tibet apple and has a violet hue. Cost: Approx ₹1000 for one

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4. Pink Pearl Apple

These have a tart flavour and are used in salads. Cost: Approx ₹500 for one

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5. Black Oxford

It is a heirloom apple dark purple colour and complex flavours. Cost: Approx ₹700 for one

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6. Malay Apple

It is also known as Otaheite apple and is native to Malaysia. Cost: Approx ₹1000 for one

Have you tried any of these expensive apples?

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