6 Most Thrilling Roller Coasters Around The World

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Roller Coasters are super fun and thrilling!

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Nothing can terrify and excite you as a roller coaster can.

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Here are the 6 most exciting roller coasters in the world!

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1. Formula Rossa, UAE This is the fastest roller coaster in the world and runs 240 km/h.

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2. Goliath, USA This roller coaster has the longest drops of all wooden roller coasters in the world.

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3. T Express, South Korea This Korean roller coaster is the tallest wooden roller coaster in the world measuring 183 ft.

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4. Kingda Ka, USA This is the tallest and longest roller coaster in the whole world and is 456 ft tall!

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5. Steel Dragon 2000, Japan This roller coaster in Japan is the longest roller coaster in the world.

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6. The Beast, USA This thrilling roller coaster is the longest of all wooden roller coasters.

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