6 Places To NOT Visit In 2024

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This 2024, instead of deciding where to go, we’ll tell you where to not go.

Overrated Places 2024

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Following are 6 places that you can sit out in 2024.

Places To Not Visit

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Instead of Maldives, you can always visit Indian islands like Andaman, Nicobar and Lakshadweep.

1. Maldives

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This Italian city is overrated and overcrowded. You should visit Athens instead.

2. Venice, Italy

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Las Vegas is merely all glitz and not much else. Instead, head to Goa where you’ll also find nature.

3. Las Vegas, US

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Paris is overcrowded, overrated and over-expensive. You should instead visit Japan.

4. Paris, France

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5. Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu is ecologically delicate and is suffering from overtourism. Go to Turkey instead.

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6. Singapore

Singapore is quite expensive and can be crowded. Visit Bhutan instead.

Were you planning on visiting any of these places?

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