6 Sea Forts In Maharashtra That Showcase India's Stunning Coastal Beauty

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What Are Sea Forts?

Sea forts are fortifications built on or around water to control sea lanes and protect against attacks.

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Importance  Of Sea Forts

Sea forts were crucial for defending coastlines, controlling trade, and safeguarding empires.

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1. Murud-Janjira Fort

Impregnable and mysterious, this fort stands as a testament to Maratha might on the Konkan coast.

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A colossal sea fort built by Shivaji, this fort showcases the strategic brilliance of the Maratha empire.

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2. Sindhudurg Fort

Guarding the entrance to the strategically important Vijaydurg creek, this fort offers a glimpse into the naval prowess of the Marathas.

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3. Vijaydurg Fort

A majestic island fort near Mumbai, this forthas been a silent witness to the rise and fall of empires. 

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4. Kolaba Fort

5. Suvarnadurg Fort

Also known as Golden Fort, this fort sits amidst the azure waters, a reminder of the Maratha era's architectural marvel.

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Standing tall amidst the waves, this fort offers a serene escape and breathtaking views of the Mumbai coastline.

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6. Underi Fort

Have you visited any of these seaforts in Mumbai yet?

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