6 Travel Accessories To Carry If Travelling With A New Born

Credits: Canva 

Travelling With Your Newborn?

if you're anxious or overwhelmed about travelling with your newborn then here are 6 travel accessories that will help you. 

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1. Stroller 

When travelling with your newborn, it would help to take a stroller with you. 

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2. Travel Toys 

Carry sound-proof toys to keep your newborn or toddlers entertained without disturbing fellow passengers. 

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3. Baby Carrier 

Certain places may not allow strollers or it may be inconvenient to wheel strollers. That's where baby carriers come in handy. 

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4. Inflatable Bath Tub

An inflatable bath tub helps bathe your little one conveniently especially in hotels where only showers are available. 

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5. Portable Changing Pad 

It might be tough to change your baby's diapers on flights and other places. So, carry a portable changing pad. 

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6. Portable Crib 

Not all hotels and resorts may provide a crib, so it helps to take a portable crib with you for your baby. 

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Which of these travel accessories do you find most useful? 

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