6 Types Of Passengers You May Find While Flying

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While flying, whether the flight is long-haul or short, you’re crammed in with many people. And they’re all unique in their own quirky way.

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So, here are some types of people that you may encounter!

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1. The Chatterbox No matter who sits with them, they can talk to them without hesitation!

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2. The Nervous Flyer You might recognise these types of people with the way they grip their seats for dear life.

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3. The Complain Box From the food to the seat to even the airline being on time, they’re never happy.

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4. The Embarrassing Drunk Mostly on international flights, these people don’t know when to stop drinking and their limits as well.

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5. The Unwell One These people tend to get sick on a flight, nearly all the time and it’s not a pretty sight.

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6. The Sleepy Head They keep nodding off and are in such heavy sleep that they might just end up dozing on their neighbour’s shoulder.

Image Courtesy: Tenore

Which type of passenger are you?

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