6 Underrated Street Food To Try In Mumbai

Credits: Canva

Sure pani puri is great but street food in Mumbai is quite diverse and certain items often get overshadowed.

Lesser-Known Street Food

Credits: Canva

Following are 6 underrated street foods to try in Mumbai.

Underrated Street Food

Credits: Canva

They’re these delicious pieces of boiled potato filled with chana, onion, tomato and spicy chutney.

1. Aloo Handi

Credits: Canva

It has cut-up pieces of potato and boiled chana and they’re tossed in spicy chutney.

2. Chana Masala

Credits: Canva

Credits: Canva

A delicious bread-like snack, Dabeli often doesn’t get enough love and fades behind vada pav.

3. Dabeli

Credits: Canva

It is roasted chestnuts that hawkers sell on carts. They’re simple yet delicious.

4. Shinghada

Credits: Canva

5. Kharvas/Balli

While technically sweet, Kharvas or Balli really is a must-try!

Credits: Canva 

Shawarmas in Mumbai are absolutely killer and deserve more love!

6. Shawarma

Which of these do you like the most?

Credits: Canva