6 Valleys In Bhutan To Bookmark

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Valleys In Bhutan

Bhutan is known for its stunning landscapes, including picturesque valleys that offer breathtaking views and opportunities for exploration.

Where To Travel?

Here are some valleys in Bhutan that you might want to bookmark for your travel plans:

1. Paro Valley

Paro Valley is one of the most scenic and culturally rich valleys in Bhutan.

2. Punakha Valley

Located at a lower altitude, Punakha Valley is known for its mild climate and fertile farmland

3. Haa Valley

It offers serene landscapes, including terraced fields, pine forests, and traditional Bhutanese villages.

4. Bumthang Valley

Often referred to as the "cultural heartland" of Bhutan, Bumthang Valley is renowned for its ancient temples, monasteries, and sacred sites.

5. Thimphu Valley

Thimphu, the capital city of Bhutan, is situated in its own valley surrounded by rolling hills.

6. Phobjikha Valley

It is a designated conservation area and the winter habitat of the endangered black-necked cranes

So, have you travelled to any of these valleys?