World's 6 Oldest Alcoholic Drinks That You Should Know Of

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Ancient Alcohol Drinks

The world's oldest alcoholic drinks have been enjoyed for thousands of years, and many of them have historical and cultural significance.

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What's The Timeline?

While fermentation is a natural process, humans have been purposefully producing alcohol since the dawn of civilisation.

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Which Are The Ancient Drinks?

Here are a few of the oldest known alcoholic beverages:

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1. Wine From China

Around 7000 - 6600 BCE, this wine was prepared from rice, honey, and hawthorn fruit/and/or grape.

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2. Georgian Wine

Georgian wine has been produced for over 8,000 years, dating back to 6000 BCE.

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3. Hajji Firuz Tepe Wine

Made from grapes, this wine dates back to 5400 – 5000 BCE

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4. Chicha

Chicha is a fermented corn or maize beverage that has been produced in South and Central America for thousands of years

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5. Barley Beer

The barley beer was produced by the Sumerians who were big beer drinkers.

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6. Egyptian Herbal Wine

Herbal wines were alcoholic beverages employed as medicinal rather than for amusement or enjoyment in ancient Egypt.

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Have you ever known about these ancient alcohol drinks before?

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