7 Best Ways To Consume Chia Seeds

Small nutritional seeds

Chia seeds are small nutritional seeds with mild taste but a lot of versatility. 

1. Smoothie

If you are a fan of mango, apple or any smoothie for that matter, add one tsp of chia seeds to it and enjoy an added nutritive value!

2. Yogurt

Add one or two teaspoons of chia seeds to your regular bowl of yogurt and enjoy the nutritive crunch. 

3. Lemonade

Like lemonade? Add one teaspoon of chia seeds to it for a nice different texture. 

4. Oatmeal

Add 1-2 teaspoons of chia seeds to your oatmeal to make it more healthy. 

5. Salad

If you like salad, add one teaspoon of chia seeds or more as per choice in the dressing and enjoy a rich texture. 

6. Breadcrumbs

Did you know you can replace breadcrumbs with chia seeds? Try!

7. Cakes

If you are making tea cake or bananacake, try adding a dash of chia seeds to it. 

How do you consume it?