7 Easy Traditional Japanese Dishes You Can Make At Home

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Japanese cuisine is known for its complexity of flavours and often leaves people intimidated. However, there are some traditional dishes that can easily be made at home. Here’s a list of some!

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1. Gyoza These are easy-to-make dumplings that are first fried in the pan and then steamed to finish off!

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2. Onigiri A staple dish, this portable snack is made of rice with a filling inside.

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3. Fluffy Japanese Pancakes Making these pancakes are quite easy and you can use a hand mixer to beat your egg whites until they’re stiff.

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4. Yakitori This barbecue chicken dish is a popular dish that you can also make at home.

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5. Miso Soup This comforting soup can be eaten with every meal, whether it’s for breakfast or dinner.

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6. Yakisoba A fried noodle dish, this can be made with barbecued noodles, pork, cabbage, and other vegetables.

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7. Tempura This fried snack is a staple at Japanese restaurants, but you can also make it at home with ingredients like shrimp, chicken, vegetables, tofu, and more.

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Go ahead and treat yourself to a Japanese feast!

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