It is typically made from fermented yogurt or whey, which is then dried and processed into a powder or paste form
A strained yogurt cheese rich in probiotics, commonly enjoyed as a spread or dip.
fermented dairy product similar to yogurt but with a thinner consistency and tangier taste, packed with probiotics.
A variety of pickled vegetables and fruits popular in Middle Eastern cuisine, providing both flavor and probiotic benefits.
Fermented olives are a staple in Middle Eastern cuisine and contain probiotics along with other health benefits
While not exclusive to Middle Eastern cuisine, yogurt is commonly consumed in the region and is a well-known source of probiotics.
A yogurt-based beverage popular in Turkey and other Middle Eastern countries, offering probiotics in a refreshing drink
A classic Middle Eastern condiment, pickled turnips are fermented and provide probiotics along with a tangy flavour profile.
Though more commonly associated with European cuisine, sauerkraut can also be found in Middle Eastern dishes and provides probiotic benefits.