7 Items To Pack If You Are Travelling To Beaches This Summer Season

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Planning a trip to beautiful beaches this summer season? Make sure to pack your beach travel bag with all these items.

Summer Holiday!

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Sip on water frequently and keep yourself hydrated when you are sitting under the sun.  

1. Water Bottle

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It is important to protect yourself from the sun. Carry a hat, a pair of sunglasses, and an umbrella in your beach bag. 

2. Hat & Sunglass

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If you do not want to get tanned, apply thick layers of sunscreen on your face and body, especially on your exposed areas.

3. Sunscreen

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A few garbage bags are a must in your travel bag. You can carry wet shoes, wet clothes, shoes, plastics, and more. 

4. Garbage Bags

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Carry a few towels in your bag. You can use these to spread on the sand and relax and even wipe water from your body after taking a swim on the beach. 

5. Towels

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No matter where you are travelling, always make sure to carry a first aid box with a few necessary items such as band-aids, wipes, and more. 

6. First Aid Kit

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Walking on the sand wearing any shoe or sneaker is uncomfortable. Carry a pair of flip-flops or slippers to walk around perfectly. 

7. Flip Flops

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Use all these products to protect yourself from scorching heat and enjoy a great time holidaying on beaches! 

Image Courtesy: Canva