7 Kitchen Hacks To Ward Off Mosquitoes This Rainy Season

Image Courtesy: Canva

1. Mosquitoes hate the smell of white vinegar. Thus, it acts as a great repellent.

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2. Take a cup of water and mix it with the juice of 1 lemon. Pour it into a spray bottle and spray all around.

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3. Take some cloves and put them inside lemon halves. And then keep these lemon pieces all around your rooms.

Image Courtesy: Canva

4. Garlic is an excellent mosquito repellent. You can make a spray by boiling garlic in water.

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5. Take some crushed powder of bay leaves and keep it in your room corners to get rid of mosquitoes.

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6. Coconut is a great mosquito repellent. It's time to keep them at bay using coconut.

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7. Mosquitoes do not like the fragrance of basil leaves. So you can use these leaves this monsoon season.

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Are you using any of these tips this rainy season?

Image Courtesy: Canva