7 Most Terrifying Seafood Dishes That Will Test Your Limits

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Seafood dishes are loved by many people for their umami flavours. However, there are some absolutely terrifying seafood that can be absolutely scary before they’re even cooked! Take a look!

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1. Alaskan King Crab The sheer size and the face of this mighty creature are enough to scare anyone away from crustaceans.

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2. Calamari These fishes are pretty unnerving, after all, they look nothing like the fried version you’re served on the table.

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3. Lamprey These scary-looking seafood are known for latching on to dolphins to drink their blood.

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4. Monkfish When caught, this fish is absolutely frightening to look at!

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5. Mussels The inside of this popular seafood looks nothing like the fancy version you see on the table.

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6. Sea Urchin Uni is an Asian delicacy, however, looking at the hard needle-like outside shell can be quite unsettling for some.

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7. Scallops Not the most appetising seafood to look at, this is however seared to perfection.

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So, which one of these sea creatures made you shudder?

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