7 Myths About Taj Mahal We All Always Thought Were True

We all have heard about "facts" about Taj mahal which actually are the biggest myths! Lets bust them today!

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Myth 1: Shah Jahan cut off the hands of all the architects and craftsmen who built this monument. 

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Myth 2: Not Shah Jahan, but originally a Hindu King built  Taj Mahal. 

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Myth 3: All the four minarets of Taj Mahal are perpendicular. 

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Myth 4: Shah Jahan wanted to build a Black Taj Mahal using black marble. 

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Myth 5: Lord William Bentinck, governor-general of India planned to destroy this monument. 

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Myth 6: The Chief architect of Taj mahal was an Indian. 

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Myth 7: This monument was originally a Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. 

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Which of these did you actually believed to be true?

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