7 Prohibited Items You Cannot Bring In Or Take Out Of Thailand

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Strict Customs Regulations

Heading to Thailand from India offers warm weather, beautiful beaches, delicious street food, and great shopping, but be aware of its strict customs regulations.

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Thailand strictly forbids bringing in or out any obscene literature, including explicit magazines and videos.

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1. Obscene Literature

Importing or exporting goods with a disrespectful depiction of the Thai flag is illegal in Thailand.

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2. Goods With Improper Thai Flag Design  

3. Narcotics  

Thailand prohibits the import or export of narcotics, including marijuana and heroin, regardless of medical prescription.

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4. Fake Currency 

Counterfeit cash, bonds, or coins are not allowed in Thailand, with severe penalties for violations.

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Bringing counterfeit royal or official seals into Thailand is illegal and subject to serious legal consequences.

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5. Fake Royal And Official Seals  

The import or export of goods infringing intellectual property rights, such as pirated media, is prohibited in Thailand.

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6. IPR Infringing Goods 

Thailand bans the import or export of counterfeit trademark goods, including fake designer items, with legal repercussions.

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7. Counterfeit Trademark Goods 

Be careful not to carry any of these items on your Thailand trip!

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