7 Relatable Thoughts You May Have While Waiting For Your Food In A Restaurant

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When you go to a restaurant, ordering the dish that you wish to eat is the easier part. It’s the waiting time that tests one’s patience. And truth be told, there are many wild thoughts running through our mind, even though we might have company. Here are a few relatable ones.

Image Courtesy: Tenor

1. “Did I even order the correct dish?”

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2. “What are they eating? It looks better!”

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3. “Do I want to eat here today? Should I cancel my order?”

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4. “Ohh! I can see the waiter and he is coming towards my table, is it my food?”

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5. “Should I order my next dish now? I don’t want to wait too much again!”

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6. “How long has it been? When will they bring out the food? Where’s my food?!”

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7. “Why hasn’t my food arrived, yet?”

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So, which one of these have you been guilty of thinking?

Image Courtesy: Tenor