7 Side-Effects Of Overeating Mangoes

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Mangos season is finally here and many of us wait all year to enjoy this king of fruits!

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But overeating them can have ill effects on your health; here are a few.

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1. Eating mangoes in excess can cause diarrhoea.

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2. Overeating mangoes can even cause severe muscle cramps.

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3. Overeating these seasonal treats can even cause weight gain.

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4. If you have diabetes, eating too many mangoes can adversely affect you.

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5. Mangoes have carbide, which adversely affects your health if ingested in large quantities.

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6. Overeating mangoes is also known to cause indigestion.

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7. Mangoes are even known to cause acne and breakouts owing to the warming effect they have on the body.

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