7 Teas Women Should Have In Their Pantry  & Their Benefits

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Hug In A Mug

Besides its beautiful aroma and distinctive, delicious taste, different teas have their own properties and benefits. 

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The Tea Comfort!

And we’re spilling the tea on the types of tea women need in their pantry and why! Here are seven types of tea you need to stock up right away, ladies!

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1. Chamomile Tea

This tea is rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps relieve menstrual pain, ease digestion, and relieve stress. 

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2. Hibiscus Tea

Packed with flower power, this tea is full of antioxidants and can strengthen your immune system, lower cholesterol, and blood pressure, and improve liver health.

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3. Spearmint Tea

This tea is great for women with PCOS as it helps with hormone imbalance, blood sugar levels, stress, and pain.

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4. Black Tea

Thanks to the high percentage of caffeine, black tea can make you feel energised and help with indigestion, cramping, and even avert morning sickness. 

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5. Ginger Tea

Ginger tea has anti-inflammatory properties and can help relieve period pain and even soothe nausea during pregnancy. Additionally, it is great for your immunity, skin, and hair health. 

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6. Oolong Tea

A rich source of Vitamin C, oolong tea is great for improving blood sugars, and bone strength, reducing cholesterol, and stress, and improving oral health. 

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7. Green Tea

Green tea can help lower cholesterol, improve bone health, manage sugar levels, and of course, aid with weight loss. 

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