7 Things You Can Do In Chennai For Free

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This South Indian capital is a beautiful city and here are 7 things that you can do for free.

Free Things To Do In Chennai

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The architecture of this temple is exquisite and the town of Mylapore is named after it.

1. Admire The Kapaleeshwarar Temple

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Marina Beach is one of the longest city beaches in the world so you can walk here all day long.

2. Visit Marina Beach

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If you don’t want to pay ₹20 for a lift to the top, you can simply admire the lighthouse from the ground.

3. Head To Madras Lighthouse

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As per local legend, St. Thomas was killed here after he attempted to convert locals.

4. Gaze At San Thome Cathedral

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It is an important historical structure dedicated to a prominent Tamil poet Thiruvalluvar.

5. Visit Valluvar Kottam

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6. Pay Respects At Parthasarathy Temple

Made in the 8th Century, this temple, too, is ornately carved.

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Located right by San Thome Cathedral, it provides a beautiful view of the city.

7. Offer Prayers At St Thomas Mount

Which of these places do you want to head to first?

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