7 Traditional Cakes Around The World That You Might Not Know About!

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Cakes are an important part of celebrations today. And if you’re also curious about cakes around the world, here’s a glimpse of how other countries eat cake.

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1. Galette des Rois, France - This buttery puff pastry is topped with powdered sugar and is usually eaten on Christmas.

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2. Basbousa, Middle East - Made with semolina, this is a pretty popular traditional cake in this region.

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3. Black Forest Cherry Cake, Germany - Topped with whipped cream, chocolate shavings, and cherries, this chocolate cake is a must-have.

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4. Mawa Cake, India - This milk-based cake is made with solidified milk with a dash of cardamom.

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5. Pavlova, New Zealand/Australia - While the origin of this cake is not very clear, this meringue cake with whipped cream is loved by many people.

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6. Dundee Cake, Scotland - This is a fruit cake that’s made with raisins and currants, which are usually moistened with whiskey.

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7. Panettone, Italy - While this is an Italian sweet bread loaf, it’s still considered a sweet cake.

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So, which of these cakes will you be trying first?

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