7 Types Of Nuts That You May Want To Avoid

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Eating Nuts

Nuts are healthy fats that are essential in your diet. However, you may want to avoid these nuts.

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1. Horse Chestnuts

Horse nuts are not suitable for human consumption as it contains a toxic compound known as esculin.

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2. Bitter Almonds

Bitter almonds have toxicity and consist of amygdalin.

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3. Peanuts

Peanut allergy is common in the world and can cause skin irritation.

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4. Pine Nuts

Eating pine nuts may lead to a phenomenon called ‘pine mouth,’ which is a strong and unpleasant metallic or bitter taste in the mouth.

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5. Cashew Nuts

Cashew nuts are related to unethical treatment of workers. Raw cashews consist of urushiol, a similar caustic substance in poison ivy.

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6. Macadamia Nuts

These nuts have high saturated fat and can lead to risk of heart disease and increase LDL cholesterol levels.

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7. Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts are high in selenium and can lead to selenium toxicity.

Think before consuming these nuts!

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