7 Types Of Sardinian Bread You Have To Bite Into

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Sardinian bread originates in the Sardinia region of Italy. Here are 7 of them.

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1. Pane Carasau These are extremely thin and crispy flatbreads flavoured with sea salt and rosemary.

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2. Pistoccu Potatoes are kneaded into the dough of this flatbread and they are thicker than Carasau.

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3. Pane Coccoi These are typically baked for festive occasions because of their fun size.

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4. Spianata These are flatbreads similar to rotis and are soft in the centre.

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5. Pane Civraxiu It is a dark loaf of bread usually enjoyed with cheese and wine.

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6. Moddizzosu It looks similar to Civraxiu, it has a softer crust.

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7. Costedda The process of making it is similar to that of Civraxiu but it is smaller in size.

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Which of these do you want to try first?

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