7 Unique Desserts From Around The Globe That Will Give You Sugar High

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A lot of us love to end our meals with delicious desserts. But amidst all the popular choices there are some really unique options that warrant your attention. Here’s a list of some!

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1. Alfajores, South America - You will find this crumbly dessert with gooey cream from Argentina to Peru.

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2. Cendol, Singapore - This is a chilled and silky sweet concoction comprising sweetened coconut milk and rice jelly threads.

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3. Cornes de Gazelle, Morocco - These are Moroccan desserts that are made for special occasions, as they’re labour-intensive.

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4. Mandazi, South Sudan - In this region, this nibble is often served with chocolate dipping sauce.

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5. Mochi, Japan - Probably one of the most famous desserts out there, this Japanese delicacy has a massive fan following.

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6. Pavlova, Australia and New Zealand - This is a wonderfully messy dessert, boasting perfection in its chaotic beauty.

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7. Ma’amoul, Middle East - These Middle Eastern cookies with sweet fillings must be on every foodie’s radar.

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So, which one of these unique desserts would you want to try?

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