7 Yummy Toppings To Add To Your Ramen

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1. Corn is a delicious topping to your spicy ramen as it adds a punch of sweetness. 

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2. Bok Choy AKA Chinese Cabbage makes your ramen healthy and adds the extra texture. 

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3. Soft boiled eggs in ramen is a great protein source in your ramen. 

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4. Cheddar cheese is a yummy topping for cheese lovers. It makes the ramen creamy. 

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5. Mung beans that are sprouted add a nutty and sweet flavour to your ramen. 

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6. Radish adds the spicy kick to your homemade ramen. You can add ground radish and mix it well.  

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7. Dumpling is a kickass ramen topping where you can get the best of both worlds- soft dumplings and spicy ramen. 

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