8 Amazing Facts About India's Only Brahma Temple 

Brahma Temple In Pushkar, Rajasthan

1. This Brahma Temple is the only Brahma Temple in India. 

2. It is believed that this place is the ulimate pilgrimage site to attain salvation. 

3. It is said that Lord Brahma himself chose this location for the temple. 

4. One of he venerated rishis of India, sage Vishwamitra built this temple. 

5. The Pushkar lake is said to be formed out of a petal that fell from Lord Brahma's lotus. 

6. The temple has Goddess Gayatri as Lord Brahma's companion and not Goddess Saraswati. 

7. The temple is one of the few temples that survive after Mughal Emperor destroyed many temples in Pushkar. 

8. Every year on Kartik purnima, a grand festival is celebrated in the temple.