8 Magical Benefits Of Clove Oil

We all know the health benefits of clove, but clove oil has many more benefits. 

1. Toothache Massaging a few drops  of clove oil can help you relieve toothache. 

2. Motion sickness Smelling this oil can help you  tackle motion sickness easily. 

3. Acne Applying drops of clove oil on acne can help you treat them quickly. 

4. Stomach pain Massage the oil on your stomach for instant relief. 

5. Digestion  If you have digestion issues clove oil massage can any day help. 

6. Heart health It helps in boosting your cardiovascular health. 

7. Hair Add a few drops of clove oil to your regular oil for healthy hair. 

8. Insect repellent few drops of this oil act as the best insect repellent.