8 Countries With The Most Number Of Restaurants

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As per Statista’s 2020 data, Indonesia has a total of 658,325 food service establishments.

8. Indonesia

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South Korea has a total of 826,049 restaurants as of 2020.

7. South Korea

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With a total of 909,286 restaurants, Mexico ranks 6th on the list.

6. Mexico

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Brazil has 1,112,145 food service establishments as per Statista.

5. Brazil

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With a total of 1,216,804 food service establishments, Japan is 4th on the list.

4. Japan

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The US has a whopping 1,275,636 food service establishments and ranks 3rd on the list.

3. United States

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2. India

With 4,110,289 food service establishments, India is 2nd as per Statista’s 2020 data.

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1. China, Mainland

China has the most number of restaurants in the world totalling a whopping 9,326,146.

Have you ever eaten at any restaurant in any of these countries?

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