8 Easy Dishes To Make At Home If Your New Year's Resolution Is Cooking More

Credits: Unsplash

Soups can be made quickly and are relatively inexpensive and hassle-free. Great for beginners!

1. Soups

Credits: Unsplash

Pasta, too, is relatively straightforward and you can easily adjust the difficulty level of the dish.

2. Pasta

Credits: Unsplash

A basic for desis, aloo sabzi is simple, cheap and nutritious.

3. Aloo Sabzi

Credits: Unsplash

Depending on the recipe, Ramen as a dish can range from very easy to very difficult and is great for learners.

4. Ramen

Credits: Unsplash

A simple minced-meat dish, it is a great starter dish for non-veg lovers.

5. Qeema

Credits: Unsplash

Stir-fry dishes are a great way to use up the groceries going bad in your fridge.

6. Stir-Fry

Credits: Unsplash

Credits: Unsplash

7. Fried Rice

Fried rice can be made in a matter of minutes if you have the basic ingredients at hand.

Credits: Unsplash

8. Fritters

A quick and easy snack, fritters are great way to practice your deep-frying skills.

Which of these items are you going to make in the new year?

Credits: Unsplash