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It has rich biodiversity and lush green landscapes which makes it a paradise for those looking for an eco-tourism spot.
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The country is considered to be a pioneer in sustainable tourism and is definitely worth a visit.
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Colombia has a number of eco-farms which make for a perfect eco-tourism spot.
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Iceland is the cleanest consumer of energy in the world and Jokulsarlon is one of its most pristine lakes!
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Kenya is home to white beaches and the 2nd highest African mountain so it is an ideal place for eco-tourism.
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Home to the Galapagos Island, Ecuador is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world.
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Costa Rica is home to 5% of the world’s biodiversity so it is rich with flora and fauna.
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Bhutan has a sustainable development fee which helps it maintain its natural environment.
Which of these destinations do you want to visit the most?
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