8 Expensive Gin Brands That You Should Know About

Image Courtesy: Canva 

1. Watenshi Gin It is the most expensive gin that is smooth and wholly unique.

Image Courtesy: cambridgedistillery.co.uk

2. Nolet’s Reserve Gin It is earthy with light citrus tones and was a developing recipe for 40 years.

Image Courtesy: noletsgin.com

3. Anty Gin It has a rich and unusual taste and is the world’s most innovative gin.

Image Courtesy: cambridgedistillery.co.uk

4. Monkey 47 Distiller’s Cut It contains woodruff and has a pleasant vanilla base.

Credits: monkey47.com

5. Forager’s Clogau This gin was created from indigenous Welsh botanicals.

Image Courtesy: clogau.co.uk

6. Spring Gin Gentleman’s Cut It has a powerful citrus taste and was made in Flanders, Belgium.

Image Courtesy: spring-gin.be

7. Ferdinand’s Saar Dry Gin Goldcap It is an award-winning gin and is an unusual recipe.

Image Courtesy: ferdinandsgin.com

8. Buton Dry Gin It is a rare gin and most bottles are dated back to the 1950s or ’60s.

Image Courtesy: oldspiritscompany.com

Which of these gin brands have you tried?

Image Courtesy: Canva