8 Facts About Chewing Gum That You Should Know About

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1. Prevent Tooth Decay

Chewing gum can prevent tooth decay.

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2. Chewing Gum Usage

An average person can chew around 300 sticks of gum per year.

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3. Helps With Smoking

It can also help in quitting smoking.

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4. Dental Hygiene

Sugar-free chewing gum can help decrease bacteria build up.

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5. Most Expensive Gum

The most expensive chewing gum was listed for $14,000.

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6. Chewing Gum Myth Busted

It doesn’t stay in the stomach for 7 years.

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7. Most Consumed Chewing Gum

Iran consumes the most amount of chewing gum.

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8. Popular Flavour

Mint is the most popular chewing gum flavour.

Which of these facts are you aware of?

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